Submitting Access Request for Kuali IRB Process - Non-UCSD Users


Due to the complexity within the UC San Diego identity management systems, non-university researchers and research teams may need to request access credentials.  The process described below is a university wide process to gain access to various systems and is not unique to, or managed by, the Kuali IRB system.

The Access Request process has two parts: the submitter and the UCSD DSA processes. This is the “submitter” side steps of the process.

Reminder for Non-UC San Diego individuals with "Dual Appointment":

Many Rady Children’s Hospital researchers (PIs) and staff have "Dual Appointment" at UC San Diego which provides them a UCSD Active Directory (AD) account. These individuals need to be aware that Kuali IRB will send notifications to their UCSD emails related to their applications. Please also communicate with those individuals that they need to use their UCSD credentials to log into Kuali IRB, not the current eIRB system credentials

  1. UCSD Active Directory usernames are typically set up with the "first initial of their first name" and their "entire last name".  If an individual cannot remember or find their username, please direct them to the ITS Service Desk (for General Campus) or Health IS (for Health Sciences). 
  2. If they have their AD username, but cannot remember their password, please direct them to this online tool to reset it: UCSD Password Change Tool

Access Request Process for all other non-UC San Diego researchers and support staff:

UC San Diego faculty, staff as well as researchers and research team members outside of UC San Diego should review and discuss the need to access Kuali IRB. Only those required to submit applications or interact with the appropriate IRB’s should be provisioned with access to Kuali IRB.


  1. After the steps below are completed, temporary passwords will be emailed for newly created accounts.  
  2. Please make sure to reset your temporary password within 24 hours from the email confirmation.
  3. DO NOT log into Kuali IRB at the same time
  4. Once you have reset your password, please wait 5 working days for account information to flow into the Kuali platform.

Steps to Take

For any researchers or research staff that are required to access Kuali IRB, they will need to obtain a “Sponsored Affiliates” account.  This will generate a UCSD Business Systems SSO (Single Sign-On) identity for the individual.  The individual will need to do the following:

  1. If the individual needing access collaborates with a specific UC San Diego department (for example, Pediatrics), they must send a request to their department contact with the following, required information
    1. First Name
    2. Last Name
    3. Email Address
    4. Request for: Sponsored Affiliates account with Business Systems SSO 
    5. Justification for needing access to Kuali IRB (e.g., “I am a (non-UC San Diego entity) researcher (PI) that needs to submit applications to the UCSD IRB/I am a research coordinator that will submit applications on behalf of a PI to the UCSD IRB”)

2. The UCSD department will review your request with guidance provided by the Office of IRB Administration.

a. Account creation requests for a “Sponsored Affiliate” account must be submitted by faculty or staff on the non-UC San Diego individual’s behalf. 

3. Once your request has been approved, the department faculty or staff will work with their Department Security Administrator (DSA) to initiate the creation of a “Sponsored Affiliates” account. 

After the DSA has completed the necessary steps, you will be notified by via email that your account has been set up. 

Research personnel will need to ensure they have an identity protection tool known as Duo Security.  You can learn more here: Two-Step Login

If the individual is experiencing issues accessing Kuali IRB after the account has been created, they can contact the Office of IRB Administration at